My Anti-Diet Reading List

I am currently on maternity leave and taking a break from supporting my one on one clients to heal and start this new phase of my life as a parent. During this time I’ve been reflecting on the incredible resources and books I’ve read and learned from to support my own journey to Intuitive Eating.  These books are transformative and have helped me so much in my own journey with my body and relationship with food. 

I think it’s important to have different perspectives when exploring and I find these selections to be from a wide variety of professionals and each have their own unique approach to dismantling diet culture. I’ve decided to share a few of my favourites to help you along your journey while I take a step back to recover. 

Here are a few of my favourites, take a peak and find a book that resonates with you. I have included links but I encourage you to try to find these books at your favourite local book shop. 

Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program that Works
by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch

The original Intuitive Eating book by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch was published in 1995 and has since been updated four times to reflect the latest research. This book is the gold standard for starting your intuitive eating journey.

The Intuitive Eating Workbook by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch

The Intuitive Eating Workbook is a companion to the book, and helpful for putting the principles of intuitive eating into practice.

Anti-Diet Reclaim Your Time, Money, Well-Being, and Happiness Through Intuitive Eating by Christy Harrison

Christy Harrison, a dietitian and host of the popular Food Psych podcast, exposes all of the ways diet culture penetrates our everyday lives.

The F*ck It Diet by Caroline Dooner

Caroline, a comedian and writer, explores in her hilarious voice the depth of why diets don’t work and breaks down the misinformation in diet culture in order to help us heal. She has a hilarious Instagram, I love her way of writing and find she is funny and thoughtful. 

Body Kindness by Rebecca Scritchfield

This book explores many facets of self-care, intention and supports your journey of healing your relationship with food and body image. This is a great book for folks who struggle with making time for themselves and prioritizing self-care. 

Body Respect by Lindo Bacon 

If you’re looking for the science behind weight stigma and more about Health at Every Size, this book is perfect for you. I love Lindo’s approach and find this is a great place to start when struggling with the concept of loving your body at any size. 

Health at Every Size by Lindo Bacon

An incredible look at how our culture perceives weight and diet culture. Amazing resource for anyone and especially folks struggling with weight bias in the medical system. 

The Body Is Not An Apology by Sonya Renee Taylor

A book about radical self-love and compassion. ‘As we awaken to our own indoctrinated body shame, we feel inspired to awaken others and to interrupt the systems that perpetuate body shame and oppression against all bodies.’ Sonya offers a lot of incredible resources on her Instagram as well, I highly recommend you follow! 

Unapologetic Eating: Make Peace with Food & Transform Your Life  by Alissa Rumsey 

This book is a great resource for folks struggling with establishing Intuitive Eating. Alissa Rumsey helps you explore your history with food and your body and question societal expectations to get to the bottom of the complexity and find a clear path to let go of diets for good! 

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